Dating site for seniors in belgium age platform europe
Dating site for seniors in Belgium
For seniors who enjoy going out and making new friends, AGE Flemish organisation OKRA has developped a ‘dating site’ for persons aged 55+ who wish to come into contact with others for sharing activities. You can place your dating call for free and make a selection of contacts according to the activities you like and your region. You can respond to a request or directly contact another person. Access OKRA’s dating site hereDating site for seniors in Belgium
For seniors who enjoy going out and making new friends, AGE Flemish organisation OKRA has developped a ‘dating site’ for persons aged 55+ who wish to come into contact with others for sharing activities. You can place your dating call for free and make a selection of contacts according to the activities you like and your region. You can respond to a request or directly contact another person. Access OKRA’s dating site here